
This service takes place in your home so we can review your current wardrobe. We will also help you eliminate items in your wardrobe that are no longer in style or do not fit properly.

Through this process, we will find items in your wardrobe that need to be cleaned or altered to fit correctly. From there, you will receive expert advice on which garments to keep, discard or donate.

Using the calendar, select the day that you would like to book your services. After our appointment setter has confirmed your time, you will receive a confirmation email containing your appointment details and Invoice for payment.

If you experience any problems while trying to schedule an appointment, please send us an email [services@kobikoachman.com] or give us a call at 234(0)7011961540.

If you are not sure if this service is the best for you – Book your FREE VIP Phone Consultation.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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