
Mudi, Lagos, Nigeria

Mudi filled our Style Assessment Form online.

When we asked him… How would you describe your Style/Wardrobe Need right now? Here was his response:

​​My closet is a disaster zone, and I really need a total makeover., I’m not sure what colors and shapes look best on me and want to find out., I want to refresh my wardrobe with some fun new options., I want to define my style for the first time in my life., I need Bespoke Tailoring – Suits/Jackets/Shirts/Pants or Native Attires etc.
We scheduled a consultation session with Mudi and after discussing his individual preferences, we scheduled a Wardrobe Consultation session with him. The following weekend, we spent time with Mudi at his home, looking through his wardrobe in order to decide what to keepfix, and get rid of;  When we were done with this 3 hour session, we used another 1 hour to put him through a Step-by-step guide on how to organize his closet and how to put his outfits and colors together; giving him confidence to throw items, prints and colours together he hadn’t considered in the past.

We wrapped up the session by mapping out a Style plan that suited his budget and today, he has a wardrobe he can be proud of.

Given the confidence to explore his style, Mudi is now experiencing a whole new confidence level and getting a lot of compliments from his colleagues, clients, and friends on his new found style.